
Funny Plumber Designer Video Portfolio


Portfolio: Dauenhauer Plumbing

Dauenhauer Plumbing

Why They Called Makespace

Dauenhauer is the largest plumbing company in Kentucky, but they knew they weren't getting any business from the web. After interviewing more than 6 web design firms, they settled on Makespace.


Logo Reworking

We refined Dauenhauer's long standing logo to preserve its equity but give it an updated and more streamlined experience.

Brand Style Guide

We created the rules of usage for not only the refined Dauenhauer logo, but also created a modern color palette and web and print friendly typography for a consistent brand image.

Custom Service Logo

We created a new Fast Water Heaters Campaign for Dauenhauer as well as a custom logo to represent it.

Graphic Design

Review Card

What better way to get customer opinions than to ask for them? This card drives them to the online review feature on the Dauenhauer website (see below).

Door Hanger

Another tried and true old school technique with a moden twist: it also integrates with the website for conversion and traffic.

Water Heater Sticker

If Dauenhauer customers have a water heater problem, they don't have to look far for emergency service!

Newspaper Advertisements

Another old school media that still gets results. And yep, you guessed it: it's integrated with the website for tracking and conversion.

Yard Sign

See a pattern here? That's a tracked phone number.

Business Card

They never go out of style. Just the facts, Ma'am.

Web Design

Website Design

The Dauenhauer website is a real online resource for all their audiences. This site is a flagship for what a plumbing company website should be. How do we know? Besides the amazing results, this website has been plagiarized at least 5 times!

4-in-1 Website Configuration

This is actually 4 dedicated website under one umbrella. A full website for each of their target audiences: Residential, Commercial, MSD Program and New Construction.

Cutomized Search Bar

Lets customers easily request specific service in their part of town. Notice those custom icons!

Dauenhauer Technician Breakdown

It's all about trust with a plumbing contractor, and yep, that's a real Dauenhauer tech.

Social Review Builder

Integrated with the Review Card (see above), this feature allows clients to tell the world (or at least Google and Yelp) how great Dauenhauer is. A great way to ensure quality control, customer satisfaction and get some SEO juice to boot!

Multiple Markets

When Dauenhauer decided to open a market in Lexington, we modified the website to follow suite, giving the Lexington customers a dedicated website as well.

Mobile Website

Mobile / Fully Responsive Website

When a plumbing emergency happens you don't have time to mess around. We created a mobile responsive website that works perfectly on all devices, without having to pinch and zoom.

Web Marketing

In order to control their online presence, make them organically findable, and keep them top of mind, we...

#1 on Google organically

Top of page on Google Places

#1 on Google Maps

And we perfected their Content stragety

(One blog per week, integrated with a special offer, and distributed through social media)

Traditional Advertising / Social Media Integration

Commercial on Facebook Page

We integrate Dauenhauer's latest TV campaign directly into their facebook page - and vice-versa, driving TV viewers online and online viewers to the telephone.


That's quite a bit of marketing for one company!

Funny thing is, this doesn't even scratch the surface. We just don't want to reveal all our secrets up front.

Call if you want the full story...

The result: 35–40% increase in new business

Client Feedback

"Hiring Makespace was definitely the right decision. Not only has the internet become the way we get business, they've helped me with real world marketing as well. There's a reason I've had them on retainer for 3 years running and will do so indefinitely."

– Mr. Dauenhauer

Funny Plumber Designer Video Portfolio


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